It's a waste of time and take away from the most important feature of 2K22's court-based gameplay. I'm not going to be wasting 45 minutes skateboarding from my apartment to a shoe store just to upgrade my appearance. I'll do it in one menu by NBA 2K22 MT a single clicks so that I can get back to my basketball.
In addition, the new City eliminates one of 2K21's greatest upgrades - the removal of load times. Even on PS5 you'll be waiting each when you're looking to leave your home or go to the practice area. The City is an unpleasant experience for everyone and a reminder that larger doesn't necessarily mean better.
In my opinion, it's a lot of Buy NBA 2K MT fun. It's clear that the defensive aspect on this particular court is more effective than it has been in years. It's much easier to slide through the court and not be in the game this year. It's pleasant to see less stunning in-court dunks from this time around. It was exhausting watching 2k21.