Extraordinary Content Marketing & Gmail Tips fri The latest LinkedIn updates: newsletters, podcasts & more fri The latest Google updates in a Whatsapp Number List row [EMEA recap] do Despite tech innovators, digital transformation does not necessarily come about through technology. The corona crisis shows that. Biology brought about enormous changes in society. At the same time, yearning for the 'old normal' is a utopia: neither the old nor the new normal will ever materialize.
That sounds desperate, but it isn't when you put your ear to Greg Verdino. He is considered a provocative futurist and an authority on digital transformation. And don't let this Verdino believe in a new normal at all. No, the digital expert Whatsapp Number List believes in a 'never-normal'. This is instructive for anyone who wants to get their organization involved in innovation and transformation. No one expected that the corona pandemic would cause so many changes in work. In no time we work digitally from home, provide online webinars that it is a delight, and we get square eyes from Zoom,
Meet, Jitsi or Teams every day. We mentime a bit for feedback and in brainstorming sessions. No, corona was not on the digital transformation bingo card. We thought that blockchain , cloud or the internet of things would be the winners. never Whatsapp Number List normal again In no fewer than sixteen blogs, written in the last eight years, Verdino advocates a different mindset in his collection ' Never Normal ' (affiliate). He finds it deeply saddened that a pandemic proves that chatting about digital transformation doesn't do much and it's all about action, doing the real thing. It's time for companies to realize that, says Verdino.